Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Internship Journal #5

Wow, I am off to study at CSU-Monterey Bay soon, I always am concerned about the age difference between the other students and myself. I have only had one group of young people not like me very much and it all stemmed from my U.S. History class at Butte College. It began with a debate about war and ended with a debate about the Iraq war, in particular. She and I were not aligned ideologically on this issue and the debate was ended by the professor, Christine Trolinger. I still drop by her office to check in and tell her about my adventures in learning. **professors become a great resource in future endeavors.

I digress, the same young lady was in my Congress class and our young men are still at war. I was not certain it was her, until I overheard an ideological type conversation occurring in the hallway and then I was certain it was her. I stopped going to class early, I got there right on time. I avoided her in this way and it seemed to work. I used the time to sit and read a few more minutes before class. I have not had any other problems with classmates and I am certainly hoping I get along well with the other interns. More of a concern is feeling I am the dumbest person in the room. I do not want to be the dumbest person in the room --EVER!!!

Tomorrow is Jaymi's 17th birthday and we do not even know where she is…we have been concerned about her for so long, I sometimes wake up in the mornings and cannot remember if she is missing or in someone's custody. Maybe someday I can help affect laws that will help other parents like me and Charlie. We have been through the wringer with Jaymi's illness looming over our heads each day; wondering where to turn next for help; losing employment; having meeting after meeting; creating plan after plan -- all while applying myself as a fulltime student. Jaymi will not be with us for her birthday, as she has been on the run since August 11. Friends and acquaintances, alike, have sighted her, but the authorities have not bothered to pick her up. I would go and find her, but she wouldn't get in my car. She would actually throw a fit on the side of the road if I tried to put her in the car. I will not fight with her anymore, so I follow my plan when I see her. I call the 24hour number and let them know I have seen her. When she is in these manic phases, I set her off, so I avoid this by following my plan. Some people would allow their children to go and do as they please, but Jaymi does not have the ability to differentiate between those people that may want to harm her and those people that want to help her. So, she will go with anyone that will take her where she wants to go. Next week, "TEAM Jaymi" will be holding a meeting and if all goes well, Jaymi will be found and sent to a residential treatment school in, Utah. This is the last resort on the part of our family to try and help our daughter. I love her very much and hope that one day she can, once again, become an active citizen in our community.

I am also concerned about my husband, Charlie. I hope that he can function without me there with him. He is always asking me to scratch his back and rub his shoulder. He loses things and he is famous for wondering where the puppy went. He left our other dog at his friends, grandma's house overnight one time. He did not even realize until it was time to feed the dog that it was missing. I hope he remember to feed the fish, we've had them for a while, so I'd like to keep them. He just started classes at Butte College and I hope he remembers to do his homework. I hope he can pay the electric bill, he leaves lights on, all over the house. I love my Charles though, he is a wonderful man!! He helped me get this far though college and he has stuck by Jaymi, even though he is stepdad. His family has taken me in as one of their own and that is certainly another reason to love Charlie. We have been through more together than a couple should have to bare, and we are still in the midst of many issues and concerns, however, we always make it through and I keep telling him that one day we will laugh about ours cars breaking down, living with friends and other odd locales, along with eating pancakes for dinner because that is all we had. I love Charlie, he's the greatest and the best friend I have.

We are going dancing Saturday night, the 1st, to celebrate my internship. I hope many of our friends turn out. We really like this band and are looking forward to dancing our little tails off. If you like to dance and want to say "god speed" come on out to Pigg's Pubb on Meyers in Oroville. It should be a fun night. The Daniel Traverse Band, from Chico will be playing and they are really magnificent musicians. They play NEW country rock and they can really rock out. Even if you don't dance DTB are great to watch as well.

Until next time, Eliza

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Internship Journal #4

I went to Butte College today to give presentations to Cynthia Bynoe's Political Science classes. I had a great time; the students were very attentive and had plenty of thoughtful questions for me to answer. I created a presentation on Power Point, feel free to check it out again. I hope to be hearing from many of you during this semester. Feel free to ask me questions about what you are studying in class, or info about where you might research for specific information. Thanks for having me come and giving me this added opportunity, Cynthia. By the way, here are the links I promised you all would be added to my page.


United States House of Representatives

United States Senate

info regarding bills in Congress

Panetta Institute for Public Policy

To my mentors, friends, and family that visit this site, I would really like to hear from you as well. I hope that you will visit frequently and let me know you have. I do not see who has visited, unless they comment.

I am getting very excited and nervous about my abilities to live up to all of the combined expectations of all of you. The only real expectation I have for myself is to learn as much as I can about the compromise that goes into creating the laws of our country. Observing compromise and trying to understand it. I do not believe as many people do that, "they (D.C. politicians) are all crooks!" I have learned that Congress members have many jobs, but their most important is twofold: 1. to work in the best interest of the constituent and the local district, because they are our voice in the nations Capital. 2. to create federal laws that are in the best interest of the country as a whole. This being said the compromise becomes much more difficult when the Administration or Executive branch is of one political party and the Legislative branch is of another. This is the point in which out country stands, today. I look forward to understanding more about why members make the decisions they do. Professor Dwyre's Congress class has been an immense help in my understanding of these issues and I am looking forward to seeing the Congress at work -- up close.

Until next time,


***For those of you in the 12:30 Political Science class, it worked, I figured it out!!! YIPPEEE!!!! i.m. me!!