Sunday, September 16, 2007

Internship Journal #8

Last modified on: 9/16/2007, 10:17 PM

What a week this has been!! I am exhausted. We have had staffers of the Clinton Administration come into speak with us about the media and the effect they have on people holding political office. The Parliamentarian of the U.S. House of Representative spoke regarding House rules. We had two speakers from the Naval Postgraduate School speak regarding Iraq and the war. They gave suggestions regarding the exit strategies the Bush Administration should take into account. Leon Panetta has spoken several times and his insight into the lack of consensus in Washington, D.C. today is very interesting. Most of the people who have spoken to the group are very concerned by the lack of consensus in D.C. today and I am certainly with them on that front. The compromise that is needed to create policy is lacking in a way that Washington has never seen. So, this begs the question, if the D.C. politicians are not willing to come to any consensus and are moving farther to the left or right, how can they possibly get anything done? Well…no one can answer this question at this time, but suffice it to say that not much is getting done, unless the policy is a nonpartisan or bipartisan. I hope to have the opportunity to answer this question in particular. Mr. Panetta suggested that the independent party could have a great opportunity if the partisan bickering does not end soon. He suggested that the American public will become so frustrated with the status quo of the two party system that they will begin migrating to the independent party and the more people that migrate, the more likely it is that they will have the chance to win seats in the Congress and eventually the Presidency. He went on to suggest that the only way the Republicans win the White House next year is , if Michael Bloomberg enters the race as an Independent. He would pull enough votes away from the Democratic Party to help the Republicans win.

My brain is so full today!! I was actually able to get some rest today, though. Not sleep, but rest…I sat around on my bed today and I was very happy not to have to do anything, until this evening. So, what did we do this evening???? We went to the Panetta Ranch in the Carmel Valley and enjoyed a wonderful dinner under the most beautiful arbor I have seen. The Panetta Ranch was purchased by, Carmelo and Carmelina Panetta in 1946 and Mr. Panetta has lived on the ranch off and on, since he was eight years old. The Panetta home is absolutely beautiful and I feel honored to have been invited to dine in such a magical location. We had a great time chatting and taking photos. Mrs. Panetta told several stories about the family/office dog, "Bravo" a beautiful and very friendly Irish Setter dog who really likes his behind scratched. Mr. and Mrs. Panetta found it humorous that I have a Bluenose Pit Bull named, "Tipper Gore." Mr. Panetta told me that I better be careful of republicans in the neighborhood, when I am calling the puppy!! I had a wonderful evening, but I am tired now, so I will close. I will let you all know that my intention is to update this blogsite a bit more often this week. I hope to have more time to write!!

Until next time,


Monday, September 10, 2007

Leon and Sylvia Panetta,
Intern Welcome Dinner hosted by Mr. and Mrs. George Couch
Elizabeth, Pebble Beach Country Club, Beach House

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Internship Journal #7

E. Graham - journal entry #7

Last modified on: 9/9/2007, 11:12 PM

Wow, what a week this day has been!!! That is a statement that my mother would have made about today. And it is certainly the truth. My day began waking up in Marina, California with my husband, Charlie. Today was very difficult for both of us, but we both believe this is a wonderful opportunity. Charlie and I went to Fisherman's Wharf in Monterey this morning and it was an absolutely beautiful day. We left Monterey about 12:30 to head in to CSU- Monterey Bay. I checked in and then we had about an hour to kill, so we went and picked up a few little things that I needed and when 2pm finally arrived, I found it difficult to let my Charlie leave me here!! He did and I went on in to the Panetta Institute for Public Policy.

I immediately met Richard Kazarian, one of the professors here at the Institute and a man I had spoken with previously on the phone. (Thanks for the financial aid help, Richard) He showed me the way to the restroom to get some tissues, by this time, I had tears and probably snot running down my face, so I washed my face and went to meet the rest of the interns. I walked in the room and there they were, a group of young people, and I was the oldest in the room, as I predicted. Taking this is stride, I introduce myself and told them that I was definitely NOT the textbook, Chico State co-ed. Many found this to be quite funny, because the Chico State reputation precedes everyone who intends to represent the university. The guy from Humboldt State said, "I cut on my dredlocks to be here with you all." I found this to be quite funny. So, we have a meeting, get our keys to the dorms, meal cards, and a some additional information regarding the Welcome Dinner and depart to our dorm.

My roommate is cool, she's the next oldest intern and she is a journalism major from CSU-Northridge. More on Kari in journals to come.

5:30 pm we all load a motor coach to go to…I can't even believe I was at this location, much less having cocktails and dinner, okay, okay…we ate dinner at the Beach House at Pebble Beach Country Club!!!! I know my mom is turning green with envy right about now!!! What makes this story better is I was sitting at the table with Leon and Sylvia Panetta. Oh, my!!!! I did not talk too terribly much, but I listened a lot. At this point however, I am so tired I can't remember much of anything, so I will close for now and while I am sleeping, I will recall more of the days and night events.

Until next time,


Sunday, September 2, 2007

Internship Journal #6

Hi, once again to all those interested. Today I spent some time organizing the site a bit. On the left margin of the site, you will all find the archives of earlier journal entries. Click on these to find other entries, i.e. my personal statement or how I became involved in this internship. Also, on the left margin are links to political science websites that are an integral part of researching information regarding the subject. I also established an automatic Google search for the words: Senate, House of Representatvies, White House, Government, and Supreme Court, this will make searching for current events much easier. I put a pic of my husband and I, because I like looking at it, so ya'll can comment on it, or not. It is just there for my own enjoyment.