Thursday, August 23, 2007

Internship Journal #4

I went to Butte College today to give presentations to Cynthia Bynoe's Political Science classes. I had a great time; the students were very attentive and had plenty of thoughtful questions for me to answer. I created a presentation on Power Point, feel free to check it out again. I hope to be hearing from many of you during this semester. Feel free to ask me questions about what you are studying in class, or info about where you might research for specific information. Thanks for having me come and giving me this added opportunity, Cynthia. By the way, here are the links I promised you all would be added to my page.


United States House of Representatives

United States Senate

info regarding bills in Congress

Panetta Institute for Public Policy

To my mentors, friends, and family that visit this site, I would really like to hear from you as well. I hope that you will visit frequently and let me know you have. I do not see who has visited, unless they comment.

I am getting very excited and nervous about my abilities to live up to all of the combined expectations of all of you. The only real expectation I have for myself is to learn as much as I can about the compromise that goes into creating the laws of our country. Observing compromise and trying to understand it. I do not believe as many people do that, "they (D.C. politicians) are all crooks!" I have learned that Congress members have many jobs, but their most important is twofold: 1. to work in the best interest of the constituent and the local district, because they are our voice in the nations Capital. 2. to create federal laws that are in the best interest of the country as a whole. This being said the compromise becomes much more difficult when the Administration or Executive branch is of one political party and the Legislative branch is of another. This is the point in which out country stands, today. I look forward to understanding more about why members make the decisions they do. Professor Dwyre's Congress class has been an immense help in my understanding of these issues and I am looking forward to seeing the Congress at work -- up close.

Until next time,


***For those of you in the 12:30 Political Science class, it worked, I figured it out!!! YIPPEEE!!!! i.m. me!!

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