Sunday, September 2, 2007

Internship Journal #6

Hi, once again to all those interested. Today I spent some time organizing the site a bit. On the left margin of the site, you will all find the archives of earlier journal entries. Click on these to find other entries, i.e. my personal statement or how I became involved in this internship. Also, on the left margin are links to political science websites that are an integral part of researching information regarding the subject. I also established an automatic Google search for the words: Senate, House of Representatvies, White House, Government, and Supreme Court, this will make searching for current events much easier. I put a pic of my husband and I, because I like looking at it, so ya'll can comment on it, or not. It is just there for my own enjoyment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Baby, Have Fun :) See you in the Winter :(

I Love You!

All Ways,
