Friday, November 9, 2007

Internship Journal #14

Hello to all who are sharing this journey with me. I am going into Arlington National Cemetery for the very first time on Sunday, Veteran's Day. I am looking forward to seeing the laying of the wreath. I am thankful to be in Washington, D.C. for this occasion. My brother is a veteran of the first Gulf war, Desert Storm, and although it began and ended quickly and decisively, my mother could not leave her place by the television and Wolf Blitzer reporting on CNN. This was the first, "television war" and it was playing out live, in front of our eyes…it was remarkable and my mother could not leave her place in front of the television and maybe one small glimpse of my brother, to know he was coming home. Not many lives were lost in that war, but in the Vietnam war, we lost many and too many have been lost in this war as well…and now I sit by the television every Sunday morning watching, "This Week, with George Stephanopoulos" and wait until "In Memoriam" to see how many soldiers we have lost this week. And the tears swell up in my eyes and I sniffle and then I go off and make my husband breakfast…oh wait…that is when I am at home. I am in Washington D.C. and this week I will not be at home for Mr. Stephanopoulos to come onto the television, I will be in Arlington National Cemetery and I will be honoring those soldiers that have come home…my mother never glimpsed my brother, however he came home to his mother and his children and his sisters. He now has an extremely interesting and I would say remarkable job in the field of computers. I am not certain about the specifics of his work however the words, "computer guru" come to mind. It is because of his military training that my brother, the Veteran, is in an ever growing field of employment and working for one of the most powerful men in New York City. Never-the -less, I would like to add that my mother was thankful that the war ended so quickly, I would be very happy if the one that we are in at this point would come to fruition quickly…it is way out of control. Spending for this incident is unprecedented, in our history. I have no idea how we would ever pay it back. But not because I do not appreciate that our young men and women in the military are sacrificing their lives, limbs, and sanity for a cause that will not be easy to fix. Who are we to tell other countries what to do??? Who were we to invade another country, Iraq, without full and complete knowledge and maybe the truth once in a while…I am sad about the families of the service men and women that must endure each day sitting in front of the television, watching to see... if they might see...just a glimpse of their boy or girl.

I hope to see Veteran's all weekend and thank them for their service to our country. And wish them a wonderful Veteran's Day!!! I made sure to tell my Congress member…is your Congress member a Veteran? A great way to get this information is to go to: and type in your zip code. You can then go and look at your member's website. This is a wonderful way to get to know more about the person that is representing you in Washington, D.C. If more of us would actively participate in government, we would have a much greater opportunity to effect legislation. At this point, we all need to ban together and DO something. How much is gas in California, now? I go outside in the evening and the traffic never stops…it seems as if people are so busy that they just don't have the time to stop and appreciate what they have. I miss the dirt road that we live on…I miss my Charlie…I miss my dogs…I miss my kids…I miss my family…I miss my friends...and miss my fish!!!

When I was five years old, my life changed forever…my dad died testing bombs to be sent to Vietnam, for the war…he had been in the military for many years, he gained his commission in the summer of 1957. He began his career in the Air Force as a pilot and went on to attend Penn State University to further his engineering degree he obtained at Alabama Polytechnic Institute, which is now, Auburn University. He went on to be a training pilot and was stationed at Aviano Air Field from 1965-1968, this during the Vietnam War. After returning home…my father was diagnosed with Diabetes and as a result, he was grounded from flying. He left the military, shortly before becoming a Major, and he went into the Civil Service, as an engineer at the proving grounds on Eglin Air Force Base. He was testing bombs in March of 1970 and was severely burned…my father died the following month. He died as a direct result of the Vietnam War as he was working to make certain the military personnel in Vietnam had the best arsenal available. And my mother would not leave her place, in the darkness with the loss of her Charles. Happy Veteran's Day to all of you who have served our country and to all of you whom have lost a loved one due to war, say thank you to those that have lived to come back to their mothers, daughters, wives, and sisters…fathers, sons, husbands, and brothers…

Until next time,


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Sugar! Sounds like you'll have another memorable day Sunday. Another opportunity of a lifetime. Sounds like you survived your week. Hope you're not too tired and that you back is giving you a break . . . Love the blog. Makes me feel like I'm there! My love and lots of hugs, Mom