Hello to all. I had a good day today. One of the legislative assistants in my office is having a birthday and we ate cookies in the congressman's office with him. He asked whether I had already graduated from Chico State and I let him know that I would be graduating in May. He asked me what my major is and I told him, General Political Science. He thinks that I should attend the master's program , he did and look where he is…not that I want to be doing what he is doing. I wouldn't mind being a Chief of Staff in Sacramento…but I hope to be doing bigger things. Not that being a congress member is not a big thing, but I never want to live in Washington, D.C. I wouldn't mind coming here every so often to testify before Congress…that would be a dream come true!! I want to work to help people and not all people, but an underrepresented group of people. People with disabilities. I have a lot to say and hope that one day people will listen to my personal story and begin to understand that some policies need to be changed, so that the system can be utilized in a more efficient way. Those that need help in certain areas are not able to receive these services, because there are too many hurdles and one organization is saying they can't help, because another group is involved and the second group says they can't pay for this service, because she receives another service from another group. The system is absolutely frustrating and I hope to one day ease the frustration for those in need.
SCHIP was passed by the House of Representatives again today. The democrats want to get it through the senate and conference, by Monday and then the president will have to either sign it, or veto it, right before Thanksgiving. This is absolutely about P.R. If the president vetoes the bill, the newspapers the next morning will certainly have headlines reading, "President gives poor children, nothing to be thankful for!!!" Not very good headlines, huh? That is the reason the congress took this vote up, even though several congress members were in their home districts in Southern California. It took several hours to get this vote passed, because in the congress first had debate to pass rules regarding the procedure to be utilized, then they had a vote, then the republicans made a motion to recommit (a last ditch tool utilized by the minority to have the motion sent back to committee) which takes precedent over the issue and must be voted on immediately, the motion failed and then the vote for SCHIP occurred. It passed in a new form today. The congress did not need a 2/3 vote, so they could override the president's veto. He now has to either sign the new bill, or veto it for Thanksgiving!! This is true political theatre. Oh, one of the staffers in my office was also a theatre major, when she started college. She is the third that I know of that started out as a theatre major and completed school as a political science major. Weird how the two are so close to the same thing in many ways. Being a politician is just like being an actor on many occasions. Being comfortable in front of an audience is especially important for an actor and a politician. As a politician you are always in front of an audience. Even when the politician is not standing in front of the audience, the press is always watching, listening, and researching about every part of your life. Hence, a specific reason I do not want to be a congress member. I truly enjoy my anonymity. I really like an audience, but only when it is through my own instigation.
I attended Congressional Research Service (CRS) training today and will now have the opportunity to take advantage of the ultimate in research!! This will spoil me for my POLS330 - Research Skills in Political Science, next semester. I look forward to that class, hopefully with one of my favorite professors!!
I need to go now and tend to some things.
Until next time,
Hello Eliza, I'm from Cynthia Bynoe's Gov class at Butte. I have been enjoying your blogs, and used the 10/25 blog for my current event on Congress. I too am interested in mental health. I family members with problems, without insurance,think things need changing. That is a long-story short of it. I will be following your blogs and am tremendously impressed with your courage and strength to GO and DO!! My email is ls95928@sbcglobal.net. Enjoy the ride!!
Hello Eliza, I'm from Cynthia Bynoe's Gov class at Butte. I have been enjoying your blogs, and used the 10/25 blog for my current event on Congress. I too am interested in mental health. I family members with problems, without insurance,think things need changing. That is a long-story short of it. I will be following your blogs and am tremendously impressed with your courage and strength to GO and DO!!
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